5 Secret to building a thriving web3 career through genuine value creation

5 Secret to building a thriving web3 career through genuine value creation

By Nelson Nworie – Web3 is all over the place right now, with new stuff popping up everywhere: New projects launch daily, airdrops rain down, and Twitter is flooded with “DYOR” and “GM” cries. But amidst these exciting chaos, a crucial question often gets lost in the noise: are we actually building anything?

Forget the hype of overnight successes fueled by lucky investments and meme coins. Sure, some whales and early adopters struck gold through sheer timing and luck. But for most of us, the true path to a fulfilling Web3 career is paved with grit, passion, and a genuine desire to contribute to the ecosystem. This means offering genuine value to the community, not just chasing after quick wins and fleeting trends.

This may sound counterintuitive in a world obsessed with lambos and moon rockets, but trust me, the most valuable asset you possess isn’t your wallet, it’s your ability to contribute.

I remember Udodi Okoli, who offered to work for me for free to gain experience. As an intern, she prioritized learning over immediate pay, honing her skills and building a portfolio that landed her two high-paying virtual assistant gigs. Today, she’s a remote queen, thriving in the VA ecosystem after ditching her traditional job. Udodi’s story isn’t about landing a job, it’s about creating opportunities by demonstrating value.

So how do you go from a job seeker to value creator?

The Web3 job market is a meritocracy. Gone are the days of crafting perfect resumes and tailoring cover letters to faceless corporations. Web3 operates on a different paradigm. Here, your resume is your contribution to the ecosystem, your cover letter is your expertise showcased on-chain, and your interview is an ongoing dialogue you have with the community through content creation, collaboration, and problem-solving. 

In the long run, it’s not about finding a job; it’s about creating opportunities by demonstrating your ability to add value. It’s not about “hustling” your way to the top, but about building something meaningful that makes a real difference.

So, how do you start building your Web3 empire by offering value first? Here are some practical steps:

1. Invest in your skillset

  • Master the fundamentals: Learn Solidity, the language of smart contracts on Ethereum and beyond.
  • Deep dive into DeFi: Understand protocols like Uniswap, Aave, and Compound, and learn how to interact with them.
  • Embrace open-source: Contribute to existing projects on GitHub, learn from the best, and build your reputation.
  • Stay abreast of emerging trends, and continuously expand your skillset. Remember, knowledge is power, and in Web3, it’s currency.

2. Become a content creator, developer or marketer

  • Write insightful blog posts and Twitter threads: Share your knowledge, analyze trends, and spark meaningful discussions.
  • Start a podcast, YouTube channel, or online publication: Educate others about Web3’s potential and tell compelling stories.
  • Solve real-world problems: Build dApps that address genuine needs within the ecosystem.
  • Master distribution: Reach your target audience effectively through social media, DAOs, and decentralized channels.

3. Build in public

  • Document your journey: Share your learnings, struggles, and successes on platforms like Medium or Substack and X.
  • Open-source your code: Make your contributions to the community transparent and accessible.
  • Collaborate with others: Build together, learn from each other, and amplify your impact through joint projects.

4. Offer free services

  • Help DAOs manage their Discord servers: Create channels, organize events, and foster a positive community.
  • Write content for community websites: Share your expertise, create informative guides, and help projects attract users.
  • Offer technical support: Answer questions on forums, help troubleshoot issues, and contribute to the overall health of the ecosystem.

5. Network with the right people

  • Attend online events: Conferences, workshops, and hackathons are great places to meet other builders and learn from industry experts.
  • Connect with thought leaders on Twitter and Discord: Engage in meaningful conversations, build relationships, and learn from their experiences.
  • Join relevant communities: Find your niche, participate in discussions, and contribute your knowledge to the group.

The Rewards of Value-Driven Growth:

While chasing quick gains might be tempting, remember, true success in Web3 is a marathon, not a sprint. By consistently offering value, you’ll:

  • Build a strong reputation: Your contributions will speak for themselves, establishing you as a trusted and reliable member of the community.
  • Attract the right opportunities: When you focus on value, relevant projects and collaborators will naturally gravitate towards you, leading to opportunities that align with your skills and interests.
  • Become a lifelong learner: The act of contributing and solving problems is the best teacher. You’ll constantly be learning and growing, expanding your skillset and staying ahead of the curve.
  • Find deep satisfaction: Building something meaningful within a passionate community offers a sense of fulfillment and purpose that goes beyond mere financial rewards.

Finally, by focusing on these value-driven actions, you’re not just acquiring skills and building your portfolio; you’re also building your reputation, network, and trust within the community. You’re positioning yourself as a valuable asset, not just a job seeker. And when you do land opportunities, they’ll be more meaningful, collaborative, and aligned with your passion.

So, forget the endless job hunting, embrace the power of value creation, and watch the universe reward your contributions with the opportunities you deserve. Share your knowledge, build together, and let’s rewrite the rules of work in the Web3 revolution. The Web3 revolution is not just about decentralization and financial freedom, it’s about redefining the very concept of work.


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