Hashgreed Domain: An Interview with Efosa Ighodaro

Hashgreed Domain: An Interview with Efosa Ighodaro

For many young Nigerians, the dream of financial security feels impossibly distant. Traditional investment avenues remain out of reach, inflation gnaws at savings, and the path to a comfortable future appears shrouded in uncertainty. But enter Efosa Ighodaro, founder of Hashgreed Domain, a revolutionary concept poised to rewrite the rules of wealth creation in Nigeria, not through individual struggle, but with the collective power of the people.

Efosa’s story is deeply connected into the heart and soul of Hashgree.. Growing up in Lagos, he witnessed firsthand the struggles of his community, the dreams extinguished by financial disparity. This personal experience became the seed of Hashgreed, a vision born from the belief that financial security needn’t be a privilege for a few, but a right attainable by all.

Today, we have the opportunity to delve into this groundbreaking movement and hear directly from Efosa himself.

Blockwires: Welcome, Efosa. Hashgreed Domain has certainly sparked a lot of interest as the world’s first regulated digital cooperative for co-ownership of tokenized real estate and other assets. Can you tell us a bit about the driving force behind this innovative concept?

Efosa: Thank you for having me, Nelson. Hashgreed Domain was born from a simple observation: individual resources in Nigeria, especially among the youth, often remain untapped. We have the numbers, the potential, but lack the collective power to break through financial barriers.

Blockwires: So, Hashgreed Domain aims to unite this potential?

Efosa: Absolutely. Through a regulated digital cooperative structure, we want to pool individual resources and co-own lucrative assets like prime farmland, oil depots, tech companies, and more. Imagine leveraging our collective strength to own high-growth assets from the ground floor, maximizing returns and beating inflation for all members.

Blockwires: It’s an ambitious vision, Efosa. What kind of assets are we talking about?

Efosa: We target highly profitable, scalable ventures with early-stage entry for maximum returns. From high-tech farms to tech companies, we want our members to share in the growth potential of such assets, escaping the grip of poverty and inflation.

Blockwires: And what technology drives this revolution?

Efosa: We’re proud to utilize Kross Blockchain, Nigeria’s first, and participate in asset tokenization on Hashgreed, the SEC-regulated platform. This blockchain technology allows us to efficiently fractionalize ownership, making these high-value assets accessible to everyone.

Blockwires: Now, you mentioned eight core tenets of Hashgreed Domain. Can you walk us through some of them?

Efosa: Absolutely. These tenets are the foundation of our movement. Allow me to share them:

Tenet 1: A sizable middle class is essential for building wealth, and population can be leveraged for this purpose.

Tenet 2: Collective pooling of funds to own revenue-generating assets and technological companies is crucial for long-term wealth creation.

Tenet 3: The current financial system, dominated by the wealthy elite and banks, often does not prioritize helping individuals achieve financial independence.

Tenet 4: Fractional reserve banking, a core feature of traditional banking, can lead to inflation as money is created without a corresponding increase in value.

Tenet 5: To counteract this, the masses must unite to co-own assets and ventures that would otherwise be inaccessible to individuals.

Tenet 6: Consistent, collective investment, even in small amounts, can generate significant wealth over time, and blockchain tokenization enables this efficiently.

Tenet 7: The network must incentivize participation and growth through rewards and passive income opportunities for investors.

Tenet 8: Tokenization fosters liquidity, allowing investors to easily enter or exit their ownership positions as needed.

These eight tenets form the bedrock of Hashgreed Domain’s philosophy and guide its actions.

Blockwires: And what about the role of traditional financial institutions?

Efosa: We believe the current system often favors the wealthy, while fractional banking fuels inflation. Hashgreed Domain, through community-driven ownership, offers an alternative path to financial security.

Blockwires: This all sounds promising, Efosa. But how can individuals get involved?

Efosa: We have a vibrant WhatsApp community where you can learn more and register. Remember, no amount is too small. Together, we can create a future where Nigerians own their assets, their country, and even venture into global co-ownership opportunities.

Blockwires: That’s a powerful message, Efosa. Hashgreed Domain certainly offers a unique proposition for wealth creation in Nigeria. Thank you for sharing your vision with us today.

Efosa: The pleasure is mine, Nelson. We invite everyone to join this community-driven movement and become a “Royal” by co-owning prime assets and breaking free from financial limitations. The future is bright, and it belongs to those who choose to build it together.

Blockwires: Thank you, Efosa. And to our viewers, remember, the power of collective action can reshape your financial future. Join the conversation and become part of the Hashgreed Domain revolution.


Efosa’s vision paints a captivating picture of a future where financial empowerment lies not in individual struggle, but in the collective strength of a united community. By pooling resources, harnessing technology, and challenging the status quo, Hashgreed Domain offers a compelling path towards prosperity for all. Will you join the movement? Will you become a producer, not just a consumer, in shaping your own financial future? Visit the Hashgreed Domain website or join their WhatsApp community to learn more and be part of this transformative journey.

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